Dr Juanda Leo Hartono - Gastroenterologi

Dr Juanda Leo Hartono

Dokter Spesialis Gastroenterologi

Medical Reviewer




Bahasa Indonesia, English, Hokkien, Malay, Mandarin

Jenis kelamin


Rekanan Asuransi


Meskipun kami berupaya keras untuk menjaga daftar panel asuransi ini tetap terbaru, Anda sangat disarankan untuk memverifikasi langsung dengan klinik dan/atau penyedia asuransi Anda.

Hubungi pusat panggilan kami


Perawatan terkait

  • Diagnostik & Endoskopi Terapeutik pada Saluran Cerna Bagian Atas
  • Reseksi usus kecil
  • Reseksi mukosa endoskopi
  • Endoskopi Kapsul
  • Diagnostik & kolonoskopi terapeutik & sigmoidoskopi fleksibel

Penelitian & publikasi

Curtius, K., Kabir, M., Bakir, I. A., Choi, C. H. R., Hartono, J. L., Johnson, M., East, J. E., Lindsay, J. O., Vega, R., Thomas-Gibson, S., Warusavitarne, J., Wilson, A., Graham, T. A., & Hart, A. (2021). Multicentre derivation and validation of a colitis-associated colorectal cancer risk prediction web tool. Gut, 71(4), 705–715.

Buie, M. J., Quan, J., Windsor, J. W., Coward, S., Hansen, T. M., King, J. A., Kotze, P. G., Gearry, R. B., Ng, S. C., Mak, J. W., Abreu, M. T., Rubin, D. T., Bernstein, C. N., Banerjee, R., Yamamoto-Furusho, J. K., Panaccione, R., Seow, C. H., Ma, C., Underwood, F. E., . . . Li, M. (2023). Global Hospitalization Trends for Crohn’s Disease and Ulcerative Colitis in the 21st Century: A Systematic Review with Temporal analyses. Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology, 21(9), 2211–2221.

Hartono, J. L., Qua, C., & Goh, K. (2010). Non-Erosive reflux Disease (NERD), Symptomatic and asymptomatic erosive reflux disease (ERD): from hypersensitive to hyposensitive esophagus. Digestive Diseases and Sciences, 56(1), 90–96.

Hartono, J. L., Aung, M. O., Dan, Y. Y., Gowans, M., Lim, K., Lee, Y. M., Lee, G. H., Low, H. C., Tan, P. S., Thwin, M. A., Soon, C., Chiu, L., Khoo, M. J., Koay, E., & Lim, S. G. (2013). Resolution of adefovir‐related nephrotoxicity by adefovir dose‐reduction in patients with chronic hepatitis B. Alimentary Pharmacology & Therapeutics, 37(7), 710–719.

Kontak untuk pasien internasional

Parkway Support Centre


Juanda Leo Gastroenterology Liver Clinic

3 Mount Elizabeth #12-03
Mount Elizabeth Medical Centre
SG 228510
6513 7679