Dr Lin Cui Li - Gastroenterologi

Dr Lin Cui Li

Dokter Spesialis Gastroenterologi

Medical Reviewer




Cantonese, English, Mandarin

Jenis kelamin


Rekanan Asuransi


Meskipun kami berupaya keras untuk menjaga daftar panel asuransi ini tetap terbaru, Anda sangat disarankan untuk memverifikasi langsung dengan klinik dan/atau penyedia asuransi Anda.

Hubungi pusat panggilan kami


Penghargaan dan tanda kehormatan

  • 2023
    COVID-19 Resilience Medal
  • 2022
    Sengkang General Hospital You Sparkle! Award (Silver)
    SingHealth Singapore Health Quality Service Award (Silver)

Penelitian & publikasi

Koh, F. H., Ladlad, J., Foo, F., Tan, W. J., Sivarajah, S. S., Ho, L., Ng, J., Koh, F., Chong, C., Aw, D., Kam, J., Tan, A. Y. H., Tan, C., Yeung, B. P. M., Wong, W., Toh, B., Ladlad, J., Barco, J., Chue, K., . . . Foo, F. (2022). Real-time artificial intelligence (AI)-aided endoscopy improves adenoma detection rates even in experienced endoscopists: a cohort study in Singapore. Surgical Endoscopy and Other Interventional Techniques, 37(1), 165–171.

Ge, P. S., Hamerski, C., Watson, R. R., Komanduri, S., Cinnor, B., Bidari, K., Klapman, J., Cui, L., Shah, J. N., Wani, S., Donahue, T. R., & Muthusamy, V. R. (2015). Plastic biliary stent patency in patients with locally advanced pancreatic adenocarcinoma receiving downstaging chemotherapy. Gastrointestinal Endoscopy, 81(2), 360–366.

Cui, L., Meredith, K., & Klapman, J. (2015). Rate of recurrent luminal esophageal cancer in asymptomatic patients after curative treatment for esophageal cancer. Journal of Clinical Gastroenterology, 49(8), e71–e75.

Habr, F., Raker, C., Cui, L., Zouein, E., & Bourjeily, G. (2013). Predictors of gastroesophageal reflux symptoms in pregnant women screened for sleep disordered breathing: A secondary analysis. Clinics and Research in Hepatology and Gastroenterology, 37(1), 93–99.

Kontak untuk pasien internasional

Parkway Support Centre



3 Mount Elizabeth #06-10
Mount Elizabeth Medical Centre
SG 228510
6443 8166
6970 7366