Dr Teo Kejia - Bedah saraf

Dr Teo Kejia

Dokter Spesialis Bedah Saraf

Medical Reviewer


Bedah saraf


English, Hokkien, Malay, Mandarin, Teochew

Jenis kelamin


Rekanan Asuransi

Prudential^, HSBC Life, Singlife, Great Eastern, NTUC Income

Meskipun kami berupaya keras untuk menjaga daftar panel asuransi ini tetap terbaru, Anda sangat disarankan untuk memverifikasi langsung dengan klinik dan/atau penyedia asuransi Anda.

Hubungi pusat panggilan kami

Prestasi penting

  • Memulai pemetaan otak NUH dan layanan bedah kraniotomi terjaga sejak tahun 2017
  • Direktur program Program Residensi Bedah Umum NUHS sejak tahun 2022
  • Anggota pendiri 1st Asia Pacific Low Grade Glioma Network


Perawatan terkait

  • Bedah saraf stereotaktik dengan panduan komputer
  • Perbaikan & eksisi mielomeningokel
  • Abses/Perdarahan intrakranial – kraniektomi/lubang burr dan drainase
  • Pungsi lumbal

Penghargaan dan tanda kehormatan

  • 2017
    Quality Improvement Project Recognition Award, NUH
  • 2015
    Long Service Award, NUH
  • 2013
    Academic Medicine Development Award, NUH

Fellowship dan akreditasi

  • Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery, National University of Singapore
  • Member of Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh, UK
  • Fellow of the Academy of Medicine of Singapore, Neurosurgery
  • Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh, Neurosurgery
  • International Fellow of the American Association of Neurological Surgeons

Penelitian & publikasi

Tan, C. L., Jain, S., Chan, H., Loh, N. W., & Teo, K. (2022). Awake craniotomy for brain tumor resection: Patient experience and acceptance in an Asian population. Asia-Pacific Journal of Clinical Oncology, 19(1), 172–178.

Bolem, N., Soon, Y. Y., Ravi, S., Dinesh, N., Teo, K., Nga, V. D. W., Lwin, S., Yeo, T. T., & Vellayappan, B. (2022). Is there any survival benefit from post-operative radiation in brain metastases? A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Journal of Clinical Neuroscience, 99, 327–335.

Jain, S., Loh, W., Chan, H., Lam, C., Yeo, T. T., Lwin, S., Nga, V. D. W., & Teo, K. (2021). Performing awake surgeries in times of COVID-19 – A Singapore experience. Asian Journal of Neurosurgery, 16(04), 685–691.

Hamer, R. P., Jain, S., Teo, C., Loh, W., Chan, H., Yeo, T. T., & Teo, K. (2020). Optimizing the onco-functional balance in supratentorial brain tumour surgery: A single institution’s initial experience with intraoperative cortico-subcortical mapping and monitoring in Singapore. Journal of Clinical Neuroscience, 79, 224–230.

Kontak untuk pasien internasional

Parkway Support Centre


Precision Neurosurgery

3 Mount Elizabeth #11-16
Mount Elizabeth Medical Centre
SG 228510

Precision Neurosurgery

319 Joo Chiat Place #03-06
Parkway East Medical Centre
SG 427989
6956 6588