Dr Ma Li - Obstetrics & Gynaecology

Dr Ma Li

Obstetrician & Gynaecologist

Medical Reviewer


Obstetrics & Gynaecology


English, Mandarin



Insurance Panel

Singlife, Prudential^

Please check with your insurance provider for more information, and for their most up-to-date list of panel doctors.

^Specialists may qualify to be on the Extended Panel (EP). You may enjoy selected panel benefits depending on your policy and riders.

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Key achievements

  • Founded and led the National University Hospital’s endometriosis service since 2014
  • Performed more than 1500 Stage IV complex endometriosis surgeries since 2017
  • Usage of Da Vinci in complex endometriosis surgery


Associated treatments

  • Laparoscopic myomectomy for large fibroids
  • Laparoscopic advanced severe endometriosis
  • Laparoscopic ovarian cystectomy
  • Robotic-assisted procedures
  • Hysteroscopic resection of fibroids

Research & publications

Ma, L., Xiang, Y., Zhao, J., Feng, F., & Wan, X. (2008). Comparative proteomic analysis between benign and malignant-transformed hydatidiform mole. The Journal of reproductive medicine, 53(8), 623–628.

Kim, M., Chapron, C., Römer, T., Aguilar, A., Chalermchockcharoenkit, A., Chatterjee, S., Dao, L. T. A., Fong, Y. F., Hendarto, H., Hidayat, S. T., Khong, S. Y., Ma, L., Kumar, P., Primariawan, R. Y., Siow, A., Sophonsritsuk, A., Thirunavukarasu, R. D., Thuong, B. C., & Yen, C. (2022). Clinical Diagnosis and Early Medical Management for Endometriosis: Consensus from Asian Expert Group. Healthcare, 10(12), 2515.

Yuan, X., Wong, B. W., Randhawa, N. K., Win, T. P., Chan, Y. H., Ma, L., & Yong, E. (2023). Factors associated with deep infiltrating endometriosis, adenomyosis and ovarian endometrioma. Annals of the Academy of Medicine Singapore, 52(2), 71–79.

Li, M., Chen, K., & Fong, Y. F. (2019). A rare case of endometriosis invading external iliac vein causing deep vein thrombosis. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 220(1), 113–114.

Contact Our Call Centre

Parkway Support Centre


Dr Ma Li Clinic For Women & Advanced Pelvic Surgery

3 Mount Elizabeth #09-08
Mount Elizabeth Medical Centre
SG 228510
6022 0933
6022 0833