Liver Cirrhosis (Liver Scarring) - Diagnosis & Treatment

How is liver cirrhosis diagnosed?

In the early stages, liver cirrhosis often presents no symptoms, making it difficult to detect without medical evaluation. Many cases are first identified during routine blood tests or check-ups when abnormalities in liver function are found.

To confirm a diagnosis, doctors typically use a combination of laboratory tests and imaging studies, which may include:

If you believe you might be at risk or are experiencing any symptoms, it’s important to consult a liver specialist as soon as possible for further evaluation and management.

How is liver cirrhosis treated?

The liver damage caused by cirrhosis cannot be reversed. However, there are liver cirrhosis treatment options available to prevent or delay further damage and complications.

The treatment depends on the cause of the cirrhosis:

  • For chronic alcohol abuse – Avoid alcohol consumption
  • For hepatitis – Medication, depending on the type of hepatitis infection
  • For Wilson’s disease – Medication that gets rid of the copper

Liver transplant may be necessary for end-stage liver disease patients.

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